This web page is dedicated to the weekly ‘Release love’ initiative.

Please join us every Wednesday at 12 noon in your own time zone (if you can’t make 12 noon in your own time zone, why not join with another time zone of your choosing?) to release a wave of love frequency around the world.

We have included a few resources to help you:

Mike’s original Facebook post

Hi everyone,

I want to share something the Father shared with me today with a view for the whole Engaging God programme members – and anyone else – to respond at noon on Wednesday 1st of April for 15 minutes to release a wave of love frequency by intention around the world and continuing weekly or however often you feel to led to continue.

Lived Loved, Love Living and Live Loving



Son, call for the sons of God to arise and take their places in the rest of their heavenly positions to rule.

From rest, release the love, joy and peace needed to overcome the fear that is lowering the frequency of the planet,making it more susceptible to disease.

Issue the call for global action so that I can bring good out of the present situation.

Son, know that I love all of My children and want none to be lost in fear but all to come to the true knowledge of Our perfect love that will cast out all fear.

Son, issue the rallying cry to arise and release Our perfect love into the spiritual atmosphere all around the world.

Son, choose a time to send a wave of love around the world starting at 12 noon for 15 minutes. Saturate your atmospheres with love, joy and peace daily to subdue and overcome fear.

Son, greater grace is available to those who know perfect love. Where sin abounds the divine enabling power of Love even more abounds.

This is the time for Our children to arise and shine love’s light into the darkness of fear to dispel it.

Creation can be set free from its bondage to fear and corruption by the glory of sonship shining love’s light brightly from the heavens into the earth.

Let the sons of God arise and shine.

Releasing the Frequency of Love

The new track by SML Music to accompany this initiative, streaming via SoundCloud
You can also stream it on iTunes, Apple music, Spotify, Amazon Music and other streaming services.

‘Release Love’ guided meditation:

Click here or on the image above for a guided meditation by Jeremy Westcott (video plays in new tab).
You can download and save the video by right clicking the link and saving it to your device.

Video Clips from FreedomARC

In response to world fear (March 30)

Right click here to download

A positive impact (April 2)

Click here or on the image above to play (video opens in new window)
or right-click to download

Don’t come into agreement with negativity! (April 6)

Click here or on the image above to play (video opens in new window)
or right-click to download

The Landscape of Everything (April 6)

Click the image above to play video (opens in new window)

Right click here to download

Mobilise in Unity (April 16th)
We are called for a time such as this!

Click the image above to play video (opens in new window)
Right click here to download

Facebook post 1 August 2020: ‘Nothing is going to change in the world unless we change as individuals, we have ALL responsibility to say “what in my life needs to change?”. So much has been sold as an illusion that it is just going to change, the magic wand will be waved, God will one day just change it all. It won’t, we are responsible.’

Watch the full YouTube video: Mystic Mentoring 25th June 2020 US EST

Video Clips from others
Future News Now! Justin Paul Abraham

Forced change is here! If we get this right, we will see the greatest era yet for humanity – limitless energy, technology like magic, harness gravity, new joy economics, creative education explosion and more. To create a better world we must disturb the present! 

The UK Blessing (via YouTube)
Let’s extend this worldwide!

Living Room Worship at the Helser house (spontaneous)

At the beginning of the Covid Crisis, before our home state of NC issued a Stay at Home order, we felt the urgency to gather together – to worship, sing and pray over our nation and the nations of the world. Our only agenda was to get Heaven’s perspective and the mind of the Lord for this moment in time.” – Cageless Birds YouTube channel