
One of our core values is honouring God through dynamic expressive praise in all its fullness. During our meetings this is facilitated by the Freedom Band a talented group of musicians who are committed to helping the congregation tangibly encounter God by opening access to the heavenly realms.

The use of dance, movement and colour with flags and banners also forms part of our praise as we seek to open portals into the heavens for throne room and angelic encounters.

We believe in releasing the sounds of heaven through the singing of new songs, bringing new rhythms and sounds that are inspired by the praise going on in the heavenly realms. This is often accompanied  by healing, deliverance and signs and wonders.

We seek to release an atmosphere of high praise and so experience deep intimacy where everyone can meet face to face with God and receive a personal revelation of God’s love, purpose and destiny for their lives.

We value prophetic revelation and have an expectation that people will receive visions and that spiritual gifts will flow in our meetings.

We often have angelic visitations during our gatherings resulting in prophetic revelation; leading to deeper encounters with God in the realms of heaven.
