Thank you for subscribing to ‘Engaging God’.

The Engaging God resources are on a dedicated website, hosted on the LearnWorlds platform.

Please go to (Please be sure to include the ‘eg.‘!)

[You will find it useful to bookmark or save it as a shortcut on your homescreen so that you can easily return to it later.]

ON YOUR FIRST VISIT to the Engaging God site, you will need to set up your login details. So, although this may seem counter-intuitive, please click the orange ‘Returning users login’ button (top right).

This first time only, without completing any of the fields, click the orange ‘create new account’ button (bottom left). Complete the form and click ‘let’s get started’. Your account is then created, but you do not yet have access to the Engaging God materials.

So now please contact us at to request us to add your Engaging God access to the site. We have to do this manually since you are paying by PayPal and not directly on the site. We will email you back once we have done so – please be patient as we are a very small team working in the UK and cannot cover evenings, weekends or public holidays.

[On future visits to the site you should click ‘Returning users login’ and then enter your email and password as you would expect, and click ‘login’.]

***Should a link not work for you, please try copying and pasting it into your browser instead.***

If you experience any difficulties at any time, please email us at
We are located in the UK and are normally available Monday to Friday during UK office hours, but we may sometimes be able to respond at other times.

So please go ahead and create your account on the site now, and be sure to email us to let us know you have done it so that we can get you started.

Be blessed

Jeremy Westcott
Freedom Apostolic Resources Coordinator